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3 posts tagged with "Tips & Tricks"

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Renaming files using terminal on ubuntu

· One min read
Sandeep Bhardwaj

Suppose we have lots of lots file in a directory and we need to rename of modify the extension of all the file, then renaming one by one is pain and not a good idea as well.

If we want to rename all the files in directory in one shot then we can use below command.

Example:- Renaming all file with extension html to md.

find -L . -type f -name "*.html" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' File_Name; do
mv -- "$File_Name" "${File_Name%.html}.md"

How to delete skype android history ?

· One min read
Sandeep Bhardwaj

Easy steps to delete skype chat history off your mobiles.

  1. Sign out of skype from your mobile.
  2. Sign into skype on your computer.
  3. Go to tools-options- privacy settings.
  4. Click on clear history.
  5. Sign out of skype from your computer.
  6. On your mobile go to settings-applications manager-skype and clear data.
  7. Sign back on to skype on your mobile and your message history should be deleted.

Renaming files using command prompt on windows

· One min read

Suppose we have lots of lots file in a directory and we need to rename of modify the extension of all the file, then renaming one by one is pain and not a good idea as well. In that case we can use ren or rename command on windows.

If we want to rename all the files in directory in one shot then we can use ren or rename command on command prompt.

Example:- If we want to rename all html files to jsp files of directory D:\pages\ then executes the command.

D:\pages>ren *.html *.jsp